As a new mom, you may have heard of “baby brain” – the forgetfulness and brain fog that can come with the stress and sleep deprivation of caring for a newborn. But what about making room for food?
In this blog post BABY BRAIN.. WITH ROOM FOR FOOD, we’ll explore the challenges of balancing breastfeeding, meal planning, and nutrition as a new mom. From finding time to cook to dealing with cravings and aversions, we’ll cover it all. Plus, we’ll provide tips on how to make healthy choices without sacrificing convenience or taste. So if you’re a new mom struggling with baby brain and food cravings, read on for some helpful advice.
Now that I’m officially on maternity leave (woot, woot!) I thought I’d have all this time for blogging but, unfortunately, that hasn’t exactly been the case. I have baby brain. As in, baby on the brain all. the. time. Maybe it’s this giant belly growing out of me or the little munchkin doing summersaults inside, but to say my mind is otherwise occupied is an understatement.
All my free time seems to be spent sewing, decorating, organizing and just thinking about how in approximately 3 weeks my life is about to change forever. It’s kind of a big deal, yes? I guess that’s why there isn’t much room in there for much else. So please bear with me with all the baby talk, baby items and general lack of variety on this here blog. I’m doing my best to show restraint and not show you every cute baby item I come across (though I’m still going to show you some 😉
Luckily, I’ve still got room up in that ol’ noggin for food… babies and food. This time of year I always get a craving for pumpkin. I came home from the grocery store with 3 cans today. I’m on the hunt for a new fall pumpkin recipe and in the meantime I think I’ll be revisiting these Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Cookies ASAP.
mmmm, pumpkin. Please send recipes!
Having a baby can be overwhelming, and it’s common for new parents to experience “baby brain” as they adjust to their new roles. However, it’s important to remember that taking care of yourself is just as important as taking care of your little one. With Room for Food, you can easily plan and prepare healthy meals that will provide the nutrients you need to stay energized and focused. If you have any tips or tricks for managing “baby brain” while also making time for healthy eating, let us know in the comments below. We would love to hear from you and learn more about how you are prioritizing your health during this exciting but challenging time.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why do we need all food?
Eating a variety of foods from the five main food groups keeps your diet interesting with a variety of flavours and textures while also supplying your body with a variety of nutrients, promoting overall health, and maybe lowering your risk of disease.
What are main sources of food?
All living things on earth primarily obtain their sustenance from plants and animals. Animal-derived foods, such as fish, milk, meat, chicken, and cheese, are the primary source of protein. Fruits and vegetables, which constitute a significant source of fibre, protein, and carbs, are produced by plants for us.
Why food is important?
One of life’s fundamental needs is food. Nutrients are compounds that are necessary for the regulation of vital activities as well as the growth, repair, and maintenance of body tissues. The energy our bodies require to function is provided by nutrients. Calories are a unit of measurement for the energy in food.