While “Read my lips” may have political implications, this blog post is all about lip care. Lips are an incredibly important part of our body, providing us with the ability to speak, eat, and even kiss! With that being said, lip care is often overlooked. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the importance of taking care of your lips and provide tips and tricks for achieving soft, supple lips that are worthy of being kissed. From proper hydration to regular exfoliation, we’ve got you covered. So pucker up and let’s get started on the journey to healthier, happier lips!

I was in love with this ‘read my lips’ tea before I even tasted it. Vanilla, peppermint, spicy peppercorns, chocolate and sweet little red candy lips. Are you kidding me? Who knew a tea could be cute?


It’s delicious and might just be the perfect valentine’s tea.

Also on my tea love list is this steeper and adorable mug that I received as birthday gifts. I still love you coffee, but my current tea obsession is going strong. 

Just a little something to warm up your Monday, have a great week!

If you’re having trouble deciding whether or not to take a particular action, it can be helpful to ask yourself if you “read my lips.” This phrase is often used to indicate that the speaker is willing and able to fulfill their promises, and is a reliable indicator of trustworthiness. When you make a promise, it’s important to be sure that you are going to follow through – this is where “reading my lips” can be helpful. By asking yourself this question, you can ensure that you are making a decision based on sound logic and not just on your own feelings or preconceptions. If you’d like us to help you “read my lips,” feel free to let us know in the comments section below.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the rules of read my lips?

Assuming you are referring to the game “Read My Lips,” the rules are fairly simple. One player mouths a word or phrase to the other player or team, without actually saying anything out loud. The other player or team tries to guess what was said by interpreting the lip movements. The player or team that correctly guesses the phrase earns a point, and then it is the next player or team’s turn to mouth a word or phrase. The game continues until a set number of rounds or points has been reached. It can be a fun and challenging game that requires both good lip-reading skills and a bit of strategy.

Why do my lips move when I read?

Well, when you read, your brain is essentially “speaking” the words to you internally, and your lips may move in response to this subvocalization. It’s similar to how some people may move their lips or tongue when concentrating on a difficult task or problem. However, not everyone moves their lips when they read, and it’s not strictly necessary for understanding the text. It’s just one of those little quirks that vary from person to person. So, if you find yourself lip-syncing to your favorite books, don’t worry – you’re not alone!

Why do people read with their lips?

There are a few reasons why people may read with their lips (also known as subvocalization), including:
Helps with comprehension: By silently pronouncing words as they read, individuals can better understand the meaning of the text and retain information.
Improves focus: Subvocalization can help individuals focus on the text and reduce distractions.
Builds reading skills: By sounding out words while reading, individuals can improve their phonics and language skills.
That being said, some experts discourage subvocalization, as it can slow down reading speed and limit reading comprehension. There are techniques that can help individuals reduce subvocalization, such as skimming and scanning, which involve quickly scanning a text for important information rather than reading every word. However, ultimately it is up to each individual to determine what works best for their own reading style and habits.

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