Nursery Reveal!

Nursery Reveal

Are you preparing for the arrival of a new little one? One of the most exciting parts of getting ready for a baby is designing and decorating their nursery. It’s a space where your little one will spend countless hours sleeping, playing, and growing. In this blog post, we’re thrilled to share with you our nursery reveal! We’ll take you on a tour of the space and show you how we created a cozy and inviting environment for our new bundle of joy. From choosing the perfect crib to selecting the right color scheme, we’ll share all of our tips and tricks for creating a beautiful and functional nursery. So sit back, relax, and get inspired!

There are few finishing touches left to do, I still need to find a side table for the chair and I think I’ll want to add a few things once baby arrives, but all in all the nursery is ready to go! All we need is that little baby! Here’s your room little munchkin, I hope you’ll like it (and comes see it SOON).

Nursery Reveal!

Nursery Reveal

I love a little kiddie sized reading nook and always loooved the IKEA spice rack turned bookshelves idea.  So simple yet so perfect.  Thanks ladies, for the inspiration 🙂


One of my favourite details is the beautiful pattern the chandelier makes all over the room:


It was so fun to do a room from top to bottom. This room was our office before, which was pretty much a dumping ground, now I walk in here and it makes me smile.

From this, to this:


What do you think, you like?

Congratulations on your nursery reveal! It must feel amazing to see all your hard work and planning come together in a beautiful space for your little one. Your choice of colors, furniture, and decor have created a cozy and welcoming environment that will surely be appreciated by both you and your baby. We hope this space brings many happy memories for years to come. If you have any tips or tricks for other parents-to-be, please let us know in the comments. Sharing your experiences can be incredibly helpful and inspiring for others embarking on their own nursery reveal journey.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is nursery importance?

Nursery plays a significant role in a child’s early education and development. It is an environment that helps children learn and grow, providing them with the necessary skills to succeed in their future academics. The importance of nursery lies in its ability to prepare children for primary school by building their social, emotional, physical, and cognitive abilities through structured play and activities. Nursery also promotes creativity, curiosity, and a love of learning at an early age. It provides a safe and nurturing environment where children can develop confidence, independence, and communication skills while making friends and having fun. Investing in high-quality nursery education can set your child on a path towards success both academically and socially.

What is a nursery for children?

The term “nursery” is frequently used to refer to a variety of early years childcare group settings. Although there are variances amongst settings in terms of the services they offer, all nurseries provide qualified, licenced child care for children under the age of five.

What is the most important thing in a nursery?

When it comes to setting up a nursery, the most important thing is safety. This includes ensuring that all furniture and decor are securely fastened to the walls, keeping small objects out of reach of babies, and avoiding any potential choking hazards. Additionally, having a comfortable and functional crib, changing table, and storage space for baby supplies are also crucial. Don’t forget to add some personal touches like soft lighting and soothing colors to create a calming environment for both you and your little one.

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