If you’re looking for a unique and stylish way to show your support for heart health, then you should consider DIY heart elbow patches! These patches are easy to make, and can be made in any style or color that you want. Plus, they’re a great way to show your friends and family that you care about their heart health, and support the fight against heart disease. So what are you waiting for? Get started on your own DIY heart elbow patches!
So, this idea for diy elbow patches is definitely not new. I’ve seen variations floating all over pinterest, on many a fashion blogger’s elbow and most recently on the small fry blog with their diy no-sew knee patches. I was particularly inspired by the no-sew part of their project. I don’t have a ton of free time these days so quick and easy is always up my alley (and much better for the creative soul than cleaning, am I right?)
Heart Elbow Patches
I used a combination of all the great ideas out there and got to work using some scrap felt I had lying around from Alice’s mobile. It took a whopping 10 minutes to complete.
It was so easy, here’s how to make your own:
– long sleeved shirt
– fabric glue (available at any craft store, I got mine at wal-mart)
– cookie cutters for shapes (or you can freehand if you’re crazy like that)
– tape
– scissors
– scrap fabric* (I used a soft felt)
*be warned, you might want to finish the edges (zig zag stitch or hand sew) if you use a fabric that will fray, you could also try pinking sheers to avoid fray. This was one of the reasons I chose the felt, I read jersey was good for no fray as well.
step 1:
– Put the shirt on and mark where you want the patch to go on your (or your kiddo’s) elbow using tape or chalk. Good luck if your child is 16 months old like mine.
step 2:
– trace your shape onto felt. I recommend using a soft felt so it will bend nicely with the elbow.
step 3:
– cut out two identical shapes.
step 4:
– cover the back of heart with fabric glue. Make sure to really get all the edges so there is no lifting of the fabric. I used an old paint brush to apply so I could get good coverage.
step 5:
– apply to your marked spot on the shirt, press down firmly, secure with some washi tape or a heavy book and let dry according to glue directions (mine was 48 hours before wearing).
And you’re done!
It was darn near impossible to get a shot of an active tornado, I mean toddler. The elbows aren’t the most stable part of her body and I think she was confused why I kept trying to get behind her. You get the jist 😉

I’m linking up to Holly’s ‘scrap week’ party over at in the fun lane. This girl is an endless supply of creativity and I have her to thank for the motivation on this project. Thanks, Holly! Hop on over to see some more great ideas to use up all your old fabric scraps.
The information we have shared here will help you understand how to make your own DIY Heart Elbow Patches. All that you need is some basic sewing skill, few materials, and time. Based on the materials that are used while making these patches, they can also be used as a part of a Belle outfit or even jewelry accessories. We hope this article was able to clear all your doubts regarding how to make a good heart elbow patch!
Do share your experience by commenting down below if it worked out well for you!
Frequenlty Asked Questions
How Big Should elbow patches be?
Elbow patches might be a simple form or something more creative. They are typically between 4 and 6 inches long.
What is the purpose of elbow patches?
As elbow patches were initially formed from a hunter’s shooting jacket, a hunter’s elbows are the first location to experience wear and tear when they are reclining in the grass with their rifle resting against their shoulder on their elbows.
What year were elbow patches in style?
Elbow patches gradually started to be associated with class and sophistication. They were used by fashion designers in their creations. Early in the 20th century, sport coats with elbow patches gained popularity; this fad lasted for a very long time but gradually faded as fashion changed.