My House: Guest Room, DIY Pillow

DIY Pillow

Creating a cozy and welcoming guest room is a great way to show hospitality to friends and family when they come to visit. One simple way to add a personal touch to your guest room is by adding DIY pillows to the decor. Not only will this add a unique flair to the room, but it will also show your guests that you put thought and effort into making their stay comfortable and enjoyable. In this article, we will explore how to create your own DIY pillow for your guest room, adding a touch of creativity and warmth to the space.

I don’t know where the time goes on my weekends (and weeks too apparently, considering it’s already Wednesday!) Okay, an hour or two may have been spent in Anthropologie but amongst the Christmas parties, tree decorating (my parents – not mine yet), my weekends are just flying by.   ‘Tis the season, I suppose.

My House: Guest Room, DIY Pillow

It does mean my hopeful plans to finish decorating my guest room are being put to the side. I’ve given myself a deadline of December 17 when my sister and her hubs come to visit… pleeenty of time. Right? As you eagerly anticipate your sister’s visit on December 17, the excitement of finishing decorating the guest room fills your thoughts. The vision of a cozy and welcoming space for your loved ones spurs you to prioritize and plan meticulously, ensuring every detail is perfect for their arrival. With each decor piece carefully chosen and placed, the countdown to the deadline becomes an inspiring journey of creativity and anticipation.

I did make some fun progress, though. I MADE A PILLOW COVER! Yes siree, that deserves ALL CAPS. Let’s just say my sewing skills are… limited. All I’ve ever made are baby blankets and, quite frankly, that’s just sewing two pieces of fabric together. So is making a pillow cover, but this one can come off! Congratulations on making your own pillow cover! It’s always exciting to try something new and see tangible results. Even if your sewing skills are limited, the fact that you took the initiative to create something unique like a removable pillow cover is truly impressive. It’s all about stepping out of your comfort zone and embracing the process of learning and creating. Keep exploring new projects and who knows, you might surprise yourself with what you can accomplish next!

Check it out!

DIY Pillow

The fabric is Amy Butler’s ‘Ritzy Stripe in Nickel‘ from the Nigella line. I’ve found a new fabric store in Edmonton called Earthly Goods that has a great sale section. They’ve got a ton of great fabrics, I’m like a kid in a candy store there! As you run your fingers over the soft folds of Amy Butler’s ‘Ritzy Stripe in Nickel’, a sense of excitement bubbles within you. The discovery of Earthly Goods, with its treasure trove of fabrics awaiting exploration, feels like stumbling upon a hidden gem in Edmonton’s bustling landscape. The allure of the sale section beckons, promising possibilities and creative ventures waiting to unfold. With each fabric whispering stories of potential projects, you revel in the joy of being surrounded by such abundance, like a child lost in wonderment in a candy store.

DIY Pillow

I’m pretty excited how easy this was and how it turned out.  And now he just needs a mate…

Transforming your guest room with a personal touch through DIY pillows can truly elevate the space and make your guests feel welcomed and special. By adding custom pillows, you not only inject your unique style into the room but also create a cozy and inviting atmosphere. The beauty of DIY projects lies in their ability to reflect your creativity and personality, making every piece one-of-a-kind. So, go ahead and let your imagination run wild as you craft these delightful accents for your guest room. We’d love to hear about your DIY pillow creations in the comments – share your experiences and inspire others with your creative ideas!

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I keep my guest bed fresh?

Pillows should be cleaned every few months to keep mites from taking up residence and to avoid collecting debris from previous visitors, such as sweat.

What else can you use a guest room for?

It's not always feasible to set aside an entire room for passing guests. However, with a little imagination, you may create a room that can serve as a playground, office, or media room throughout the day and greet guests when necessary.

Does a guest room need a dresser?

It's not always feasible to set aside an entire room for passing guests. However, with a little imagination, you may create a room that can serve as a playground, office, or media room throughout the day and greet guests when necessary.

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